FIRST AID KIT AND FIRST AID SKILLS for runners in the wilderness (trail runners)
Trail running (ultratrail) may not be the most dangerous outdoor sport, it is important that you recognize the risks and how to handle accident situations properly and promptly. Many accident situations can be minimized with first aid skills and an easy-to-carry first aid bag in a running vest.
Correct and timely first aid saves lives, prevents further deterioration of the wound until paramedics arrive, and promotes a better recovery.
UltraLight first aid kit sports design, can be worn on a belt or in a running vest. Learn how to handle first aid situations by following the instructions below.
Waterproof bag material. Dimensions: 16 x 10 x 3 cm; weighing 100 grams with the following first aid equipment:
- 1 Thermal blanket (used when hypothermia)
- 1 Elastic bandage roll 5cm x 4.5m (for sprains, hemostasis, injuries related to bones and joints)
- 2 gauze, 5 large and small bandages, 4 cotton swabs soaked in alcohol (wipe, stop bleeding, protect the wound)
- 1 Whistle
- 1 Card contains personal information (name, contact, blood type, …) and on the one hand is information to learn some basic first aid skills in advance.
When you have a first aid kit, you should
- Open it up
- Remove the nylon to protect the item so that when you use it, you can avoid littering
- Fill in the contact information on the card
- Review first aid skills
- Equip with the drugs you often use: allergy, digestive, pain reliever.

- Do not puncture the blister
- Use a patch to stick on the blister until you run home.
- The patch will act as a second layer of skin to protect the blister from breaking
- Remove the insect needle/nib.
- Wash the wound under running water.
- Apply cold for 10-20 minutes.
- Observe the victim for at least 30 minutes.
- Go to the emergency room if needed.
Follow the RICE rule when sprained, stretched ligaments.
- R – REST: Rest
- I – ICE: apply ice to the sprain for 10-20 minutes, every 2-3 hours for the first 24-48 hours.
- C- COMPRESS: compression bandage for the sprain
- E-ELEVATE: Elevate the injured area
If you are bitten by a snake, calmly handle the following steps:
- Call an ambulance.
- Avoid moving the body part bitten by the snake.
- Remove or undress from the bite site.
- Wash the bite with soap and water.
- Tighten the wound with clean gauze and an elastic bandage.
- Go to the hospital immediately.
1. Wear protective gloves before giving first aid.
2. Apply strong gauze to the wound to stop the bleeding.
3. Cover the wound with sterile gauze and an elastic bandage.
If the bleeding cannot be controlled, go to the hospital.
For penetrating wounds
- Do not pull out the penetrating object.
- Fixed with elastic tape.
- Take to the nearest hospital/medical facility.
Heatstroke is a condition that occurs when the body cannot cool itself down when it becomes too hot, occurs when exposed to heat for a long time, exposed to the sun for too long. If not treated promptly, heatstroke can be fatal.
- Headache, Dizziness, Irritability
- Feeling restless inside
- Hot, flushed and dry skin
- Slow reflexes
- Body temperature above 40 degrees Celsius
- Into a cool place.
- Apply cool to groin, armpits, neck.
- Drink water.
- If no improvement, take to hospital.
Dehydration occurs when you lose more water than you take in. This condition often occurs with continuous exercise due to increased body sweat production in warm conditions. If left untreated, heat exhaustion can result. This is a serious condition caused by the loss of salt and water from the body, so it is important for athletes to rehydrate and electrolytes as soon as possible.
- Headache, light-headedness
- Dry mouth, eyes and lips
- Dark urine
- Cramped muscles
Handling measures:
- Rest in a cool place
- Drink rehydration or electrolyte water to replenish some other minerals
- If you have cramps, you need to rest and massage and stretch the sore muscles
- If you feel unwell, you need to see a doctor right away
Take off wet clothes and dry yourself.
Warm up: wrap in a thermal blanket to maintain body heat or place a hot water bag/bottle against your neck, armpits and groin.
Give warm drinks if the patient is awake (DO NOT give alcohol).
Perform CPR if victim is unresponsive or gasping for breath.
This can happen when you exercise too much or you don’t eat enough.
- Sweat a lot
- Faint
- Confused or sleepy
Handling measures:
- Eating or drinking something sugary will help improve the situation
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Intended for |
Size (cm) | 16x10x3 | 10x15x5 | 21x13x5 | 23x16x10cm |
Weight (gram) | 100g | 380g | 220g | 850g |
Tool number | 15 | 50+ | 55+ | 200+ |
Waterproof | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Reflective | – | – | – | ✓ |
Kit material | 600D polyester | Plastic PVC | EVA Waterproof – 1680D | 600D polyester |
First Aid Skills Book | X | ✓ | – | – |
First aid handbook | – | – | ✓ | ✓ |
Order | Order | Order | Order | Order |
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