
Happy Baby Clinic Group is our partner for Medical Advise and First Aid Classes.

In the practice of Medicine, we increasingly realise the importance of medical education in the community. Since establishment, Happy Baby has been training a Happy Baby First Aid Team with the goal of widely sharing first aid knowledge and skills to everyone. Doctors who teach first aid classes are all trained and certified as AHA First Aid Instructors (American Heart Association).

Happy Baby First Aid Team has conducted training courses for communities and companies in Ho Chi Minh City, as well as in Da Nang, Hanoi, Can Tho, and Dong Nai.

Everyone wants to bring the best for their family and loved ones. Happy Baby believes that with our efforts and the companionship of parents, teachers and everyone, first aid knowledge and skills will be widely shared so that children and community can actively take care and support each other when needed.

Basic First Aid 1

  • Assessment
  • Hồi sức tim phổi (CPR) cho trẻ em và người lớn
  • Choking (infant, big kid and adult)
  • Electric shock
  • Water First Aid
  • Burns
Duration: 4 hours
  • Theory
  • Practice on Manikin
  • Question & Answer
Check out schedule

Lớp Sơ Cứu Cơ Bản 2
Chấn thương & Chảy máu

  • Wound and bleedings
  • Nose, mouth bleedings
  • Sprain
  • Broken bones
  • Foreign objects in ears, eyes
  • Seizure
Duration: 4 hours
  • Theory
  • Practice on Manikin
  • Question & Answer
Check out schedule

Lớp Sơ Cứu Cơ Bản
Cho trẻ em

Nội dung hướng dẫn
  • Assessment
  • CPR
  • Choking
  • Burns
  • Foreign objects in ears, eyes
  • Seizure
  • Wound
Duration: 3 hours
  • Theory
  • Practice on Manikin
  • Question & Answer
Check out schedule

photos of our classes

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